Nia and Horses Somatic Education Opportunities

Nia and Horses® One Day Immersions: A somatic journey of 
self-discovery, communication and connection with horses

Photos by Randee Fox and Tom Reese

Nia and Horses, July 2019 participants pose for a photo together.

“Through my work with Nia and horses, I am learning that there is a delicate sweet spot, balanced with honest, raw vulnerability (inward) on one side and magnetism through charismatic communication (outward) on the other. Horses sense this balance which allows me to more easily direct their energy. 
This is an ongoing practice which requires awareness and a constant reeling in.”

--Randee Fox, Nia 2nd Degree Black Belt, Equestrian Educator, Artist and Creator of Nia and Horses® Education

Nia and Horses Education one-day immersions teach you to explore sensation in order to connect to your body and move in harmony with a well-trained, gentle horse partner while deepening and sharpening self-awareness, character development and leadership skills. No Nia or horse experience necessary.

The focus for Nia and Horses Education is to foster sensory connection through Nia’s Body’s Way principles by way of the human-horse bond. The Body’s Way Principles principles teach that the body is coded to keep us aware and safe.

Nia and Horses participants walking in time with their Nia and Horses teacher, Sierra.

Outcome-Intent of Nia and Horses® Education:

Self-Awareness (through sensory information)
·      Heighten sensory awareness through physical connection to body, environment and others.
·      Develop physical relaxation and presence skills.
·      Cultivate increased sense of natural rhythm and timing.
·      Boost physical conditioning and stamina by learning to access, consciously self-initiate and energetically balance and flow sensations of flexibility, agility, mobility, stability and strength.

Character development (through physical energy)
·      Increase physical self-carriage, personal confidence and magnetism.
·      Break through feelings of self-doubt, hesitation, and ambivalence and transform personal energy into definitive, expeditious, positive action.
·      Enhance ability to physically sense and express compassion.
·      Fortify creativity and pleasure in body and life through dance, touch, movement and interactive play.
Leadership (through connection and communication)
·      Fine tune teamwork, collaboration and both non-verbal and verbal communication skills.
·      Integrate ability to sense, move and consciously direct attention and personal energy.
·      Learn how to carry physical centeredness in a variety of situations while maintaining safe boundaries and transmitting inner authority.

The first step in gaining leadership is to be ‘present in our body, 
through sensation’.
Resting and digesting together
 after lunch while tuning into
awareness of our sensations.
We start with physical grounding through sensation and learn safety and communication skills understandable to a horse with non-verbal physical expression or ‘body language’. The trained horse senses our centeredness and confidence and can mirror back by their willingness to connect, be with us and move with us. Establishing safe horse handling and strong leadership skills will help create a harmonious relationship. The trained horse will accept leadership and move with us as strong leaders. This is where the dance of connection begins.

When we are centered and present in our body’s ‘sensations’ we become relaxed and confident and are more able to be with and move with the horse. This is how connection happens - with us as centered leaders. They are magnetically drawn to our leadership, which allows them to relax and enjoy our company. Over time, they remember us and begin to trust us as their strong leaders. This is where the true relating happens and how a ‘harmonious relationship’, with us as leaders, is created.

Nia and Horses participants enjoy moving with and ultimately 
create dances with horses.

Nia and Horses 1-day immersion plus Nia, Art and Chakras, a day of painting life sized chakra scrolls the following day at Blue Heron Ranch, Sammamish, WA:
Spend a full day with Randee Fox, Nia 2nd Degree Black Belt and and her three horses learning the principles of Nia while being engaged with horses (lots of learning, dancing and groundplay - no riding). 
Cost: $300
 per person for the full Nia and Horses day, 9AM - 6PM experience 

Nia, Art and Chakras: $300 ($100 discount if you take Nia and Horses day before)
Groups of 4-9, all groundwork - all levels of Nia and horse experience welcome.

For out of towners, no worries, we can help you reserve airport transport and suggest local lodging. Plan to come in a day early and stay a day later for a more relaxed experience. To learn about future dates, contact Randee Fox.


Educating Humans for Horses Programs Offered:

Learn to safely handle horses and ride!
Four 1-hour private 'Educating Humans for Horses' lessons
Four one-hour lessons with horses including groundwork for the first two sessions and riding sessions 3 and 4. Additional lessons are offered to move up the ladder with your equestrian skills. Generally weekly but can be twice weekly as well. 
Cost: $400 paid in advance for package of four lessons Learn more here 

For more information about my horse education programs, please email me or call 206-427-7010.

Caanie giving Nia and Horses participants, Tripte and Jill a nuzzle.

Randee Fox's Nia for equestrians education presentations:
August 2008: Invited to present with clinicians, Karen Irland and Barb Apple
June 2009: Collaborated with clinician with clinician Barb Apple
June 2010: Invited to present with clinician Barb Apple
January 2011: Invited to present at NW Pony Club Conference at Great Wolf Lodge
August 2011: Invited to present at AQHA Region One Championships, Langley, British Columbia
October 2011: Invited to present with Liberty Horse Trainer, Robin Gates
May 2012: Conducted clinic at Arrowhead Ranch, Santa Fe, New Mexico
September 2012 - present: Blue Heron Ranch, Sammamish, Washington

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